
Baby Bump Update: 26 Weeks

Happy Tuesday!! Sorry I haven't been doing more bumpdates, but time really is flying by this time around! I wanted to share with you all how I've been feeling and what's been going on at this stage of pregnancy as I will be entering the 3rd Trimester soon (omg!).


How Far Along: 26 Weeks. What?? It's flying by!

Gender: Baby Boy 

Total Weight Gain: about 16 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Still mostly living in my Ingrid & Isabel Maternity leggings &  Ingrid & Isabel Maternity tanks with a sweater layered over. But my tummy is definitely growing, so I've been getting my dresses out and wearing them with a sweater or denim jacket over it. Probably my favorite thing to wear while pregnant are dresses. So much more comfortable than leggings. Gotta let that belly breathe!

Sleep: Still not great, but actually better than it was. I've started doing more exercising during the week which has definitely helped with some of my sleeplessness. Still getting up to pee a couple times a night. But that should be getting better in the 3rd Trimester---NOT! haha  

Miss Anything: Still missing cocktails, champagne,  sushi and runny egg yolks! Ughhhhh...miss them so much. 

Cravings: My clementine craving has subsided and now I'm not really craving anything in particular. Is that weird?? Maybe something will hit in an hour- pregnancy is THAT crazy! haha 

Symptoms: Back aches! Boy, oh boy! By the end of the day I am soooooooo ready to crash on the bed and throw my feet up. Running after a toddler all day sure does take its toll. First time pregnant?? Be sure to embrace the time you have to relax! Write that down. I am missing those moments! haha 

Belly Button/Body Changes: Belly button is still in...for now. 

Mood: All this rain has sure got me down (not to mention, Luca feeling restless). It's been really tough, but we had about 4 days of sun and trust me, we were soaking in every moment of that Vitamin D! It was so needed, and definitely lifted my spirits! I'm now counting down the days until sun will be back.  I've also ordered a couple new baby items for Baby #2- so that's been exciting. Reminds me of pregnancy number 1-- just embracing those little moments where you realize there will be a new little human that will need you and that will have your heart forever! 

Best Moment Recently: Luca kissing my belly all on his own. It was the absolute sweetest! It just melted my heart and I made sure my hubby got a pic of it because its not very common that a 2.5 year old toddler boy will stop, let alone give kisses on your tummy when he decides to stop! He knows baby brother is in my belly and he seems so excited for him to arrive. 

Looking Forward to: SUN! I want to tan this belly a bit. I also am trying to get healthier by exercising every day. I need to do a little something to keep my mind and body right and ready for whats to come with delivery. It also has really helped with the aches and pains I was beginning to feel.

Exercise: I'm still doing the Maternity Barre Dvd's as well as the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy DVD. While Luca naps or is playing, I alternate fitting in a workout video with taking long walks.  Exercise is key to a positive pregnancy for me and also really helps with my Diabetes. 

On My Mind: I think I still just can't believe there will be another rugrat arriving soon. This pregnancy has really been going by so quickly that when I actually sit down to think about it I go from "how am I going to do this??" to "It will be the best and I'm so excited to watch another human being grow and become best friends with his brother." Clearly, I'm emotional! haha I've really been trying to soak in every adorable moment with my little Luca. I mean, how was he just a baby?! 


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