
Pumpkin Patch

My little pumpkin gems that I found at the pumpkin patch all on display.
What I'm wearing: Sweater: Eternal Sunshine Creations | Pants: Rag & Bone/JEAN | Boots: Manas (similar here). 

I wanted to share some pictures from Luca's first time at the pumpkin patch! It was such a fun time- even though he's still too tiny to actually pick a pumpkin, he had plenty of help from Mommy and Daddy. Everything is so new to him and he is just the most curious little guy ever! It is absolutely adorable the way he stares in awe of the pumpkins and the corn fields. His new discoveries make me feel like a kid again. So funny how that happens! We went to a pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay- its so gorgeous over there. Although it was a bit chilly it was perfect because we picked up some artichoke soup from Duarte's on our way home (so yummy)! I love days like that where the whole day is spent without a plan and you just get lost exploring and trying things with the ones you love. 

I just got Luca's Halloween costume! It's too cute for words. Although it has been difficult finding a good costume for a baby only 3 months old. All the costumes are for 6 months and older- so thank goodness Luca is on the bigger side because he just fits (but not really, it's still pretty huge on him) into the 6 month costume I got him. What are some cute baby costumes you've seen? What are you going to be for halloween? Do you know yet? Hope you are all having an amazing Monday! xo, Alida

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