
Banana-Almond Smoothie Recipe

I was in the need for a quick lunch that was healthy and also gave me a little pick-me-up, so I decided to try a Banana-Almond smoothie! I found a great recipe here, but changed a few tiny things to make it a little healthier because of my Type 1 diabetes (altered recipe below). I can make this smoothie beforehand and drink it while making Lucas lunch and feeding him. It's super easy to make and very healthy- yay! Plus, I'm kind of a peanut butter addict so every day I kind of crave some of that nut-butter flavor. The almond butter that I use is a great healthy alternative to peanut butter and it gives me just what I need to curb my craving! Hope you guys enjoy it! If you have any questions about the smoothie or have other smoothie recipes that you love, I would so enjoy hearing from you! xo

The ingredients I used. 

Banana-Almond Smoothie Recipe:


2 Organic Bananas (sliced and frozen in freezer beforehand)
1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt
1/2 Cup Vanilla Almond Milk
2 Large Spoonfulls Chunky Almond Butter
2 Tsp. Flaxseed


Add all ingredients to a blender/vitamix. Make sure it's well blended. Poor into desired glass and enjoy! You can make double the recipe to enjoy over a couple of days (or just to feed your husband and your baby as well- they all ask for it now!). It's so delicious and so fast! 

My baby enjoying a Banana-Almond Smoothie! He's such a fan! 

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