
My Modern Farmhouse

It's been some time since I've last posted, but I felt like getting back into the swing of things! My new little addition, Crew, is almost 6 months old. While my not so baby boy, Luca, is 3 and in preschool! I feel like I'm finding a little bit of time to fit in blogging again, so we'll see! I've missed it! 

I have to say, it's so unreal how fast time flies! My husband and I moved out of our home so we could begin our remodel...or should I say new build! The only thing left is the foundation! I know we have a little time before we start picking the finishes, but I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite inspiration from Pinterest and Houzz for our modern farmhouse! Let me know what you girls think- I love hearing about your style, or what you guys think of what I'm trying to choose between! Happy November btw! WHAT?!?! Time- stop it! :) 

WEBSTA @ scoutandnimble - A gorgeous combination of gray cabinets
Loving this for our kitchen. Brass is definitely growing on me. And I am loving all the long pulls! 

grid gallery wall
Also loving this kitchen. That pendant is AH-Mazing!

A cool bathroom with herringbone tile on the floor, a footed tub, tall metal cabinet, and multiple sinks
This floor though! Maybe for the boys bathroom! 

Une rénovation maitrisée à Vancouver
Loving some type of Cement tile. The gold and silver/gray is gorgeous! 

All Photographs by Clary Pfeiffer As I alluded in my editor’s letter, the creation of this issue has taught me so much about grace in my personal life’s behind the scenes - namely, as my husband and I have been working on building our own little homestead with a little farmhouse on a l
Simple and Chic. 

9,040 Likes, 200 Comments - Amber Lewis (@amberinteriors) on Instagram: “I feel like I have been on a kitchens and bathroom design frenzy lately.... all day it's plumbing…”
Faucets coming out of the wall. A yay or nay? More brass- it really is growing on me. But is it too trendy?

A weekend trip to Solage Calistoga in Napa Valley Wine Country, a designer destination road trip featuring @lexususa by Copy Cat Chic | Luxe living for less http://www.copycatchic.com/2016/12/designer-destinations-solage-calistoga.html?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=Copy%20Cat%20Chic&utm_content=Designer%20Destinations%20%7C%20Solage #DesignerDestinations
Love me a big ol' fireplace! Especially a chic one made of cement! 

All white with splashes of green, and a touch of black. (Mudroom entry)
Classic farmhouse front door. 

ship lappppppp and Pillar
Every farmhouse needs a little ship lap! 
Kind of loving the black top as opposed to the white counter tops that are always being done. And those lights are incredible.

As you can see, it's al little all over the place right now. But we have some time so I'll try to narrow down my favorites from my inspo. This is such an exciting project and I can't wait to continue seeing it all come together! xo


Spring Edit

Spring is on its way, and with all of these gorgeous floral pieces flooding the fashion scene, it can't get here soon enough! Right now I am lusting after all things SPRING- straw totes, floral prints, eyelet detail, soft color pallets. I wanted to share a few of my inspiration pieces for the arrival of Spring and a few items I must get my hands on (like that hat! I'm a sucker for a good straw hat). Granted I cannot fit into any of the clothing items because of my growing belly (28 weeks! ahhhhh) but hey, a girl can still be inspired by romantic prints and stock up on her "post-baby wardrobe", can't she? :)  Have an amazing rest of your week all of my Holland & Mint followers! xo


Baby Bump Update: 26 Weeks

Happy Tuesday!! Sorry I haven't been doing more bumpdates, but time really is flying by this time around! I wanted to share with you all how I've been feeling and what's been going on at this stage of pregnancy as I will be entering the 3rd Trimester soon (omg!).


How Far Along: 26 Weeks. What?? It's flying by!

Gender: Baby Boy 

Total Weight Gain: about 16 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Still mostly living in my Ingrid & Isabel Maternity leggings &  Ingrid & Isabel Maternity tanks with a sweater layered over. But my tummy is definitely growing, so I've been getting my dresses out and wearing them with a sweater or denim jacket over it. Probably my favorite thing to wear while pregnant are dresses. So much more comfortable than leggings. Gotta let that belly breathe!

Sleep: Still not great, but actually better than it was. I've started doing more exercising during the week which has definitely helped with some of my sleeplessness. Still getting up to pee a couple times a night. But that should be getting better in the 3rd Trimester---NOT! haha  

Miss Anything: Still missing cocktails, champagne,  sushi and runny egg yolks! Ughhhhh...miss them so much. 

Cravings: My clementine craving has subsided and now I'm not really craving anything in particular. Is that weird?? Maybe something will hit in an hour- pregnancy is THAT crazy! haha 

Symptoms: Back aches! Boy, oh boy! By the end of the day I am soooooooo ready to crash on the bed and throw my feet up. Running after a toddler all day sure does take its toll. First time pregnant?? Be sure to embrace the time you have to relax! Write that down. I am missing those moments! haha 

Belly Button/Body Changes: Belly button is still in...for now. 

Mood: All this rain has sure got me down (not to mention, Luca feeling restless). It's been really tough, but we had about 4 days of sun and trust me, we were soaking in every moment of that Vitamin D! It was so needed, and definitely lifted my spirits! I'm now counting down the days until sun will be back.  I've also ordered a couple new baby items for Baby #2- so that's been exciting. Reminds me of pregnancy number 1-- just embracing those little moments where you realize there will be a new little human that will need you and that will have your heart forever! 

Best Moment Recently: Luca kissing my belly all on his own. It was the absolute sweetest! It just melted my heart and I made sure my hubby got a pic of it because its not very common that a 2.5 year old toddler boy will stop, let alone give kisses on your tummy when he decides to stop! He knows baby brother is in my belly and he seems so excited for him to arrive. 

Looking Forward to: SUN! I want to tan this belly a bit. I also am trying to get healthier by exercising every day. I need to do a little something to keep my mind and body right and ready for whats to come with delivery. It also has really helped with the aches and pains I was beginning to feel.

Exercise: I'm still doing the Maternity Barre Dvd's as well as the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy DVD. While Luca naps or is playing, I alternate fitting in a workout video with taking long walks.  Exercise is key to a positive pregnancy for me and also really helps with my Diabetes. 

On My Mind: I think I still just can't believe there will be another rugrat arriving soon. This pregnancy has really been going by so quickly that when I actually sit down to think about it I go from "how am I going to do this??" to "It will be the best and I'm so excited to watch another human being grow and become best friends with his brother." Clearly, I'm emotional! haha I've really been trying to soak in every adorable moment with my little Luca. I mean, how was he just a baby?! 



Pregnancy Must-Haves

Well, I'm officially 22 weeks pregnant! Time is zooming by at lightening speed this time around. Today I thought I'd share my pregnancy must-haves with you all! I've gotten a lot of questions about what I'm really loving this pregnancy and what I'm still using from pregnancy #1. Below are just a few of my current favorites! Let me know if you have any questions.

Ingrid & Isabel Camis & Leggings: By far two of my favorite items from pregnancy #1! As soon as my regular pants didn't fit, I pulled them out asap! They are so simple yet so chic. When you're not feeling the best, and running around taking care of a toddler, fuss free is the way to be and that's just what the Ingrid & Isabel Camis and Leggings entail-- NO FUSS! I like to throw a sweater on over the cami, a button down, or even a long sweatshirt. The leggings and cami grow with your changing body and growing belly- there is just so much to rave about with these and they don't break the bank! Definitely a great simple yet sophisticated maternity look. 

Hiccapop Pregnancy Wedge Pillow: I spoke about how much I love this pillow in my last post! I put it under my growing baby bump and it takes so much strain off of my back. It's very versatile and can be put wherever you need to relieve aches and pains that come along with pregnancy. Such a great purchase! 

Rahua Shampoo & Conditioner: When I found out I was pregnant again, I knew I couldn't continue using my usual hair products because some of the ingredients in them, so right away I was on the hunt for an all natural, safe Shampoo and Conditioner. I had seen this brand before and use the hair gel (which I love for styling) so I figured I'd try it out! So far I actually really love it! It's so nice knowing that you're beauty routine doesn't have to suffer just because you're pregnant. 

BeautyCounter Body Wash: I am a HUGE fan of the BeautyCounter brand and have been for quite some time now. This body wash is safe and smells like a tropical vacation! Hey, a girl can pretend :-) Once you try this, you'll want everything else they sell- I'm also a major fan of their body lotion, face oil, and face masks. 

Honest Organic Body Oil: No Mama wants stretch marks! I use the Honest brand for Luca, as well as our daily household cleaning and laundry-- so I figured why not use it myself? I trust the brand and have found the oil to be a lifesaver for these dry, cold, winter days we've been having! 

Nurse Jamie Pillow: Oh man! I've been using this pillow for over a year and it is my FAVORITE! I used to wake up with killer headaches and neck aches- almost debilitating- but this pillow has changed my life! It's a great travel pillow as well (so versatile!). I also love that the silk pillow case helps prevent wrinkles and acne while you sleep. Can't get better than that! 

Elizabeth W Hot\Cold Pack: If you can't go to the spa, why not bring the spa to you?! This neck pillow is so relaxing! Since I've started having some trouble sleeping, this is my new nightly ritual. I heat this little baby up in the microwave and place it on my neck before dozing off to sleep. Zen! Hey, Mama's gotta pamper herself :-)

Splendid Tanks: These are another maternity staple of mine. They are super long and perfect for layering over my leggings! They come in white and black-- I have both! Plus, they can be used long after your pregnant! Such a great purchase. 


Baby Bump Update: 20 Weeks

 (20 weeks)

The bump for baby numero 2 is finally beginning to appear! I love when the bump finally pops and you don't look like you just had a huge lunch (or 10) anymore. It's like things GET REAL when the bump appears! So happy :)  I wanted to share a little about this second pregnancy and give some updates on what's going on and how I've been feeling, along with how my Diabetes is being maintained. 

I'm not sure, but if you follow me on Instagram, then you already know that we are pregnant with another BABY BOY!! Cannot wait for this little man to show up. I have so many questions and thoughts running through my mind, like- will he look/act/be just like Luca, or will he be the complete opposite? Will I dress them the same or give them their own identity? I grew up with a brother, so what will it be like for two brothers? I hope they will be best friends and share! And so much more. Any moms with two boys or all boys, I'd love any tips. :) 


How Far Along: 20 weeks! Halfway there!

Gender: Boy 

Total Weight Gain: about 12 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Ummmm yes. I pretty much wear the same Ingrid & Isabel Maternity leggings &  Ingrid & Isabel Maternity tanks with a sweater thrown over, every siiinnggllleee day. No lie. I've been sticking to this uniform because it's by far the most comfortable (anything pressing on my tummy feels so uncomfortable and painful) and because it's really all that fits. I can't wait until it warms up so I can throw a few dresses into the mix! 

Sleep: Has been so rough! I literally have a pillow in the front of me under my tummy, with another pillow behind my back and a third between my knees! haha My husband cracks up at what it takes to get me comfortable. It takes a village people! If it's already like this halfway through, who knows what it will be like in 5-10 weeks! Boy oh boy! Also, I swear I get up every 3 hours to pee (TMI?). Just another joy of being pregnant :) 

Miss Anything: YES! So much! I miss cocktails, sushi, and certain makeup products and beauty products. I've tried to stick to mostly all natural, organic, safe products during pregnancy. They don't always work as well, but when I find a few that actually work well, then BONUS! 

Cravings: Clementines! I literally have been to the store 3 times in the past week and have bought tons of bags of cuties. I'm actually on the hunt for the best Clementine around. My new mission :)  They are just so yummy! With Luca I craved Pineapple. There is just something about those tangy fruits that I can't get enough of. Maybe its a craving you have when you're pregnant with a boy.

Symptoms: At the beginning of this pregnancy I was super nauseous and all I wanted to eat were carbs, carbs and more carbs. I'm talking muffins, crackers, cookies, fried anything and cereal (things that are not the best for a type 1 diabetic, let alone anyone) but now I'm feeling a TON better! There are the occasional days that aren't great with nausea or back aches/headaches, but it's a huge improvement from the first 2.5-3 months.  I literally wanted to toss my cookies if someone mentioned any kind of vegetable! Blah! I was shocked to find out we were having another boy because of how different this pregnancy has felt compared to when I was pregnant with Luca. I never felt nauseous even once with him. Goes to show that each pregnancy is completely it's own! 

Belly Button/Body Changes: Belly button is still in. (Stayed in with Luca, but we will see). I do have crazy dry skin though this time. Could be the freezing cold temperatures and all the rain, but I've never had my skin get this dry before. I will have to post some skincare items that have worked to combat my dry skin. 

Mood: Happy and Excited because I'm halfway and this pregnancy has seemed to fly by so much faster than the first! But also bewildered because I keep thinking about how much love I have for Luca and I just hope I can find more love to give to baby #2. I know it's there, I think it's just difficult to imagine loving anyone else as much as I love Luca! Such a weird thing to think about. 

Best Moment Recently: It was so much fun bringing Luca with us to our 2nd Trimester ultrasound apt because he just kept asking when he will get to see his baby brother. It absolutely melts my heart! My husband and I cracked up, because when he was looking at the ultrasound he said it looked like there was an alligator in baby brother (his spine hahaha). Just the cutest. Also, when I had to sit on the table and have the dr look at my stomach, Luca sat next to me, rubbed my arm, looked at me with the sweetest eyes and said "you'll be ok mommy, I love you." He really is such a caring soul and I think he will make the best big brother :) 

Looking Forward to: Enjoying this 2nd trimester while I have a little more energy and less nausea. Also, I am excited to spend more time really soaking up these last few months with Luca as our only child! 

Exercise: I've tried to do a few Maternity Barre Dvd's. That is until last week when I totally tweaked my back. And I also try to walk at least 4 times a week (been tough with all this rain, but I will definitely take advantage of this window of sun we are having). 

On My Mind: I am crazy excited to meet baby boy! But of course my anxiety kicks in and I begin to think about labor and delivery. Last time I got preeclampsia after giving birth to Luca and it was just such a horrific experience. So I am definitely praying that everything will be ok with that. I swear I ask my Doctor at every visit what I can do to prevent it and there really isn't a "prevention" so my controlling self is not taking this very well. I just want baby and myself to be safe and healthy during labor and delivery. Also, I'm nervous to be in the hospital without Luca. I've never left him for even a night and he is a Mama's boy for sure. If any other moms out there have any tips on how to make this easier on the toddler (and the mother!!!) I'd love to hear. 


A1C (Diabetes Type 1): 5.7 

Type 1 Diabetes & Pregnancy:  

I will say that having Type 1 Diabetes while pregnant is not an easy thing, but it is also not impossible. These tips may not work for everyone but these are a few things I do to try and take good care of myself while pregnant. 

For me, it really takes a lot of diligence and discipline to maintain an overall good A1C (the average of what my numbers are). To assist me in this I jot all my numbers down in a notebook and keep tight control of what my number is by taking my finger poke up to 20 or more times a day. I also try to eat similar foods daily because I know usually how they will affect my numbers. This pregnancy has been a lot more difficult because of the nausea and also having a toddler. I will say that my will power is a lot lower with some of Lucas not so healthy snacks and meals around, I tend to give into a few bites, making my numbers sometimes go haywire. 

Another very important thing I do is see my Diabetic doctor monthly. He can double check how I'm doing and give me tips if I'm having any trouble. I also stick to literally the same low carb breakfast every morning- I have eggs and 1 cup of berries. For some reason the AM is when carbs really affect me, so low carb is the best way to go. 

An interesting thing is how much my digestive system has slowed down since becoming pregnant. If I eat too much at once, then my numbers tend to be all over the place and carbs will kick in when I least expect it. So I try to eat small meals more often. I definitely still indulge once in a while with cravings and I am human so I will sneak a bite of Luca's yummy looking Mac N Cheese (uh oh) but for the most part I try to be pretty healthy. 

I also try not to eat out too often. I will go out if invited or if I'm just way too tired to cook, but I do realize that if I eat out my numbers are usually a lot higher, so what makes me happier is cooking healthy meals at home where I can count the carbs and know what I'm eating. There really are so many hidden sugars in sauces, dressings, bread, pasta, etc. that I just don't like to chance it. 

Getting Real: With all that said, I will say that I am a person who puts A LOT of pressure on myself to have PERFECT numbers ALL the time. Which is really useless because that just won't always happen and highs and lows will occur even with the best control. This is something I have to remind myself constantly. 

I beat myself up if I have a high or if I didn't give myself enough insulin, but thats just the name of the game. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not perfect and even with doing what I always do or eating how I always eat, I will still get some numbers I don't love, and it's OK. What matters is the average of your numbers, not the accidental peaks. (Although my Diabetic Dr was warned me about getting too low- so i definitely watch out for my lows. They can be very bad for baby if unattended to.)

Its a lot to think about and a lot to carry on my plate to constantly be watching myself, what I eat, and how I'm feeling, let alone taking care of a toddler. But I know that It is only for a small window of time where I have to be this crazy strict, and having good control is so worth it for baby! 

If anyone else has Type 1 Diabetes and is or is thinking about becoming pregnant I'd love to hear your tips or give you any help that I can offer.